Massage Adjacent

Craniosacral Unwinding

Craniosacral Unwinding

Craniosacral unwinding or craniosacral therapy is a hands-on healing therapy focused on releasing tension and energetic blockages in the central nervous system to restore mobility and balance through specific, supportive hand positions placed on the primary central nervous system structures like the neck and spine. There are many benefits to this unique modality. What To Expect Craniosacral Therapy sessions last…



Acupressure is a practice used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, where pressure is placed on specific body points to restore the flow of Chi or Qi along the body’s energetic channels, called meridians. Acupressure can be self-administered or administered by a professional. Acupressure is less invasive than acupuncture, which uses fine needles to stimulate those same energetic points. What To Expect…

Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is an energy modality that utilizes several techniques to balance the body’s energetic flow. Methods include bodywork, exercises, and nutritional guidance. Polarity therapy is based on the theory that energetic imbalance can manifest as a physical disease. This modality was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, a renowned osteopathic practitioner, naturopath, and chiropractor. Stone utilized his knowledge of holistic…



Massage is only one of dozens of bodywork modalities. Many massage therapists also offer other types of bodywork or massage-adjacent work. One such modality is reflexology. Reflexology is an alternative or holistic practice that uses the application of pressure to specific points on areas of the hands, feet, ears, and face. What To Expect During your first reflexology session, you…



Reiki is an energy-work modality rooted in Japanese holistic healing. Developed in the 1920s by Dr. Mikao Usui, Reiki blends spirituality with traditional healing practices to bring the energetic and physical bodies into alignment. This energy modality promotes the body’s natural ability to heal, brings balance to the energetic body, and supports overall health and wellbeing. What To Expect Reiki…