Your Massage Therapist



Losing (or firing) your massage therapist can be a stressful experience. Finding a new massage therapist can be just as stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing what to look for and what to avoid can ensure you don’t waste time and money on subpar massages. When shopping for a new massage therapist, there are a few key things…

The Up-Sell

The Up-Sell

Massage therapists often offer services that can be used to enhance your massage experience. These services are often referred to as up-sells, up-sale, add-ons, or complimentary services. Up-selling services is a perfectly acceptable practice, so long as care and professionalism are exhibited. Here’s everything you need to know about the up-sell and up-selling tactics. Pushy Your massage therapist should not…

Is It Time For A Change?

Is It Time For A Change?

Sometimes circumstances in life change, causing disruption to your massage regimen. People move away, budgets and prices change, schedules conflict. This can happen even after years of working with the same therapists. If it is time to change things up, you may need a little help to keep your self-care schedule moving smoothly. Ask Your Therapist If your therapist is…

Find The Right Fit

Find The Right Fit

Finding the right massage therapist for you can be challenging, costly, and time-consuming. Here are some tips to help you find the right fit with ease. Goals Before you start making calls and booking appointments, it is important to identify your therapeutic goals. Are you seeking stress relief? Have you sustained a muscle injury and need support or rehabilitation care?…

Cheaper Isn’t Always Better

Cheaper Isn’t Always Better

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. This is especially true for bodywork. Basement bargain prices are great if you just need to relax and unwind, and no one likes to pass up a great deal. However, when it comes to treating and handling more significant chronic or acute issues, you will want to take your time…