As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. This is especially true for bodywork. Basement bargain prices are great if you just need to relax and unwind, and no one likes to pass up a great deal. However, when it comes to treating and handling more significant chronic or acute issues, you will want to take your time finding a quality practitioner or therapist for your needs. Practitioners with higher levels of certification will charge for their expertise, and you’ll want to know what to expect when booking a session. Here are some things to think about when it comes to your massage budget.


Are you looking for specialized treatment like myofascial or trigger point release? Expect to pay more for these specialized treatments. These techniques require extended training by your therapist, and their pricing will reflect that.


Experienced bodyworkers want to be compensated well for their work, just as in any other profession. A massage therapist who has been in the field for a decade will be able to “read” your body as they work and use that knowledge to help work out the tension in your body much more effectively than a new graduate. The years of experience and continuing education that bodyworkers put into their careers are well worth the premium you will pay.


Massage mills with basement-bargain prices may seem like a great deal, but services may be hit-or-miss, and continuity of care is harder to ensure. These companies tend to have a higher turnover rate than a small, well-established practice. Those massage mills tend to rely on marketing and brand recognition, whereas a small practice will rely on word-of-mouth and their reputation to retain clients and massage therapists alike. You will likely receive a more personalized experience and build a professional relationship with the staff at a small practice.

Budget Concerns

Though you may expect to pay more for a session with a well-educated, experienced bodyworker, there are ways to save on your experience. You don’t need to go to the most expensive spa in town for a quality massage. Complimentary champagne and silk robes are a luxury but not necessary to meet your therapeutic goals. Base your budget around your needs to get the best massage for you. If you’re on a student budget and simply cannot afford to allocate funds for a pricier massage, do some research on the massage schools in your area. Find the school with the best reputation for turning out quality massage therapists. These students need to complete clinic hours to receive their certificates, and clinic massages come at a steeply discounted price. Your student massage therapist will take feedback or constructive criticism to heart to ensure your massage is as pleasant as possible.

Massage and other modalities are not just a luxury anymore. These services play a crucial role in self-care, health, and wellness. Just like medicine, yearly physicals, and dental cleanings, you should build room into your budget for these services and give your body the care it deserves.