Craniosacral unwinding or craniosacral therapy is a hands-on healing therapy focused on releasing tension and energetic blockages in the central nervous system to restore mobility and balance through specific, supportive hand positions placed on the primary central nervous system structures like the neck and spine. There are many benefits to this unique modality.

What To Expect

Craniosacral Therapy sessions last 45-60 minutes on average. Your session will take place in a quiet, private room. You will be fully clothed during your session, so loose and comfortable clothing is recommended. Your practitioner will invite you to lay down on a massage table. The practitioner will use a light touch to evaluate your body and “tune in” to blockages and areas of tension along your nervous system. Using gentle cradling techniques, specific hand positions, and mild pulsing or probing with the fingers and hands, the practitioner will restore the balance and flow of energy to your system. You may experience deep relaxation, sensations of pins and needles or pulsating in areas of your body, or sensations of hot or cold.


Craniosacral unwinding can support conditions like migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, fibromyalgia, TMJ, whiplash, trauma, and mood disorders. Following a craniosacral unwinding session, you may feel deeply relaxed or energetic, and revitalized. Results may vary depending on your therapeutic goals. Many recipients of craniosacral therapy report a deep sense of relaxation, emotional wellbeing, support, and connection, as well as the release of deeply-held muscle tension, stress, and fatigue.


Craniosacral therapy is not suited for persons with bleeding disorders, aneurysms, or TBI. Those with a recent skull fracture, concussion, surgery, or certain spinal conditions should not receive craniosacral therapy. During your initial intake, be sure to bring up relevant medical concerns with your practitioner so that adjustments can be made to meet your needs. When dealing with an acute injury, it is best to reschedule your appointment to avoid further injury.


Following your session, avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours. Hydrate and eat well while your body adjusts after the session. It may take up to 72 hours for tension and energetic blockages in the central nervous system to fully resolve. Your body may take time to fully acclimate, and you may experience sleep disruptions and emotional responses following your session. This is not cause for concern; rather, this process indicates that blockages have dissolved, allowing stored emotions to be processed. Should you find yourself in distress, contact your practitioner for aftercare support.

Craniosacral therapy should not be used as a primary treatment. Rather it should be used as a complementary therapy to further the healing process. Consult your primary care physician if you have concerns about existing conditions, chronic illness, or other disorders.