Losing (or firing) your massage therapist can be a stressful experience. Finding a new massage therapist can be just as stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing what to look for and what to avoid can ensure you don’t waste time and money on subpar massages. When shopping for a new massage therapist, there are a few key things to keep in mind, and ethics are at the top of the list.

They Won’t Be Pushy

Massage therapists may offer an up-sell on services, but they should not be pushy. Offering an add-on service such as hot stone massage, scalp massage, or extended foot massage is a normal practice. The therapist should not continue to ask if you’d like those services in a session after you’ve refused. If your prospective therapist tries hard to sell you services you don’t need, they may not have your best interests in mind. You can let the therapist know that if you want those services, you’ll book for those services when scheduling and that they do not need to ask, or you can skip the hassle and move on to another therapist. Keep in mind that most massage therapists do not push for the up-sell by choice, as many companies require massage therapists to meet a certain quota and push them to sell services as a part of their job requirements.

They Display Their Credentials

A quality massage therapist will display or readily produce their credentials for your peace of mind. They will be honest about the training they’ve received, where they received their training, and what they are qualified to offer. Seedy massage parlors that do not display their licenses should be avoided. You likely won’t receive a quality massage in these businesses. In fact, you may be at the hands of a person with no qualifications whatsoever.

Informed Consent

Your massage therapist should be forthcoming on the protocols, procedures, expectations, and aftercare of all services before delivery. If your therapist does not take the time to discuss your needs and the services they can provide, you may need to find another therapist. Before a therapist performs any new techniques, they should explain the benefits and possible side effects. Certain practices can result in bruising and soreness. If you have a big weekend planned, you won’t want to be surprised by those side effects. You should be offered the option to schedule a different session for that service so you can plan accordingly.

They Uphold Professional Boundaries

Your massage therapist should always strive to uphold boundaries for your and their safety. They know their role is to provide a service to you, not be your best friend, gossip buddy, or date. Massage therapists should never place you in a position that makes you uncomfortable, vulnerable, or unsafe.

These are just a few of the ethics that a quality massage therapist will exemplify.