Finding the right massage therapist for you can be challenging, costly, and time-consuming. Here are some tips to help you find the right fit with ease.


Before you start making calls and booking appointments, it is important to identify your therapeutic goals. Are you seeking stress relief? Have you sustained a muscle injury and need support or rehabilitation care? Do you experience chronic pain? Do you have any conditions that affect your muscles, spine, or bones? These issues will all require different skill sets, so use your goals to weed out therapists that do not offer what you need.


Ask around in your social circles for the names of massage therapists. Your friends, family, and coworkers may be able to answer some questions you have about their go-to massage therapist. Local Facebook groups may be a good place to find referrals or recommendations as well. When posting online, include relevant information about what type of massage therapist you are seeking. If you struggle to find a good referral, speak with your primary care physician or ask for a referral from a reputable chiropractor.


Do you have a preference for male or female practitioners? Do you mind a longer drive to your appointment, or would you prefer someone in your town? Do you need a therapist that can come to your home? Your preferences matter and you should find a therapist who can accommodate your needs. Scheduling preferences should also be taken into account. When speaking to a prospective massage therapist, be sure to cover your bases and discuss your concerns, needs, preferences, and goals.

Price Points and Services

What can you comfortably afford on a consistent basis? What additional bodywork services are you seeking? When you call to inquire, ask about package prices, cancellation policies and bring up any other questions you may have. Many spas offer memberships that include discounts and other perks, but you will want to read the fine print, as you may have to commit to membership for a year or more.

Sample The Services

Don’t be afraid to shop around and try out a few different massage therapists. If one therapist isn’t the right fit, don’t waste your money and time going back. You won’t reap the benefits if you are uncomfortable or if your therapeutic goals aren’t being met. If a massage practice is staffed with multiple therapists, you can request to book with a new therapist on staff at any time. Try out a few to get a feel for different massage styles and services.

You do not need to settle with the first massage therapist you meet. Take your time and find the right fit for you!