Unlike massage geared towards relaxation, lymphatic massage offers numerous health benefits and is therapeutic in application. The lymphatic massage focuses on manipulating the lymphatic tissues to encourage the elimination of built-up toxins and support the proper production of lymphatic fluid. The lymphatic system is a major part of your immune system, producing and regulating body fluids, absorbing digestive fats, and eliminating cellular waste. Lymphatic blockages can directly impact your body’s ability to fight off disease and illness. When making lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise, it can be beneficial to undergo a series of lymphatic massages to increase the detox process and encourage your body’s proper function. Lymphatic massage is performed using light touch and is not meant to manipulate the muscle tissues; rather, the focus is on the skin layers alone.


Lymphatic massage may improve immune function, reduce fatigue and stress, and encourage healthy, glowing skin. Lymphatic drainage can promote injury and wound healing, combat oxidative stress, reduce scar formation, and reduce fluid retention. This massage technique can also improve symptoms of fibromyalgia, insomnia, arthritis, migraine, and digestive issues.


Lymphatic massage is not for everyone. People who have congestive heart failure, blood clotting disorders, or kidney disease should not receive lymphatic massage unless prescribed by their care team.


Lymphatic massage is recommended in a series of sessions. Your massage therapist may have a lymphatic protocol similar to the following:

Week One: 3 sessions

Week Two: 3 sessions

Week Three: 2 sessions

Week Four: 2 sessions

Week Five: 1 session

Week Six: 1 session

Though this protocol may seem intensive and costly, you will reap the long-term benefits and should feel relief after only a few sessions.


After your initial sessions, it is recommended to have a short series every few months as maintenance. Your massage therapist should be able to recommend a maintenance schedule that will benefit you most. Your lifestyle, exercise, and diet can all play a part in your lymphatic health. When life becomes chaotic, you may want to schedule a maintenance session to support your body through stress.


Following a lymphatic massage, you should focus on rest and hydration. Avoid hot baths or saunas for 24 hours. Skip your workout routine and try to get extra sleep following your massage. Take notice of your urinary elimination with regards to frequency, amount, color, and odor. You will notice changes as your body increases its elimination efficiency. You may also notice stronger body odor for a few weeks, as your body produces more sweat, secreting built-up waste. This is not cause for concern, and your body should find its balance again shortly. If body odor persists beyond your initial lymphatic massage schedule, see your primary care physician, as this could signify a medical issue.