Polarity therapy is an energy modality that utilizes several techniques to balance the body’s energetic flow. Methods include bodywork, exercises, and nutritional guidance. Polarity therapy is based on the theory that energetic imbalance can manifest as a physical disease. This modality was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, a renowned osteopathic practitioner, naturopath, and chiropractor. Stone utilized his knowledge of holistic medicine to create this system of energetic healing. He posited that chronic and acute illnesses can be remedied or diminished by bringing the energetic body back into balance.

What To Expect

During a polarity therapy session, the practitioner will palpate various points on your body, tapping into your energetic field to locate areas where blockages may occur. The polarity practitioner will place their hands on various points on your body, applying different pressure levels and using a variety of cradles and holds to encourage the flow of energy and remove those blockages. Certain polarity techniques may include intense pressure, though this will be discussed before application. Polarity therapy is performed fully clothed. Your practitioner may instruct you on polarity yoga techniques, dietary or nutritional changes, and polarity coaching during your session.


Proponents of polarity therapy claim that the practice can alleviate symptoms of chronic fatigue, stress, chronic pain, nausea, depression, and insomnia. Polarity may also support those with anxiety or depression. Polarity therapy can support the release of muscle tension, diminish arthritis symptoms, encourage proper digestive function, and restore balance to the energetic field. Recipients of polarity therapy often report feelings of deep relaxation, increased stamina, and overall health and wellness.


Polarity therapy is a holistic therapeutic practice that can be modified to meet the needs of most clients. Those with active fever, open wounds, bone fractures, rash, abrasions, heart disease, severe or untreated diabetes, neuralgia, neuropathy, and blood clotting disorders should not receive polarity therapy. If you are or suspect you may be pregnant, notify your practitioner so that they can avoid certain polarity points that may induce uterine spasms.


Each polarity practitioner will recommend a personalized treatment plan depending on your therapeutic goals. Those in poor health or with chronic conditions may require a long-term treatment plan. In contrast, those in relatively good health may only require short-term treatment with occasional maintenance sessions.


Hydration and rest are recommended following polarity sessions. Avoid excessive activity and stimulation for 12-24 hours. Before bed, it is recommended that you take an Epsom salt bath and get a good night’s rest. Avoid heavy meals following your session. You may experience tenderness or soreness radiating from certain polarity points. Alternating cryotherapy and thermotherapy may alleviate any discomfort. You may experience bruising at certain polarity points. This should not cause concern unless bruising is excessive. If you do notice excessive bruising, contact your primary care physician, as this may indicate an underlying medical condition. Notify your polarity practitioner about any side effects and concerns so that they can make adjustments during your next session and make a note in your chart for future use.